Consumers are always annoyed at companies selling inferior-quality products. In the health insurance industry, the quality of medical insurance varies.
Occupying the largest market share, UnitedHealthcare not only writes itself insurance plans — including but not limited to, American medical insurance, U.S. travel insurance (aka 美国旅游保险), and U.S vision insurance (aka 美国眼科保险) — but partners colleges to undertake international student health insurance (aka 留学生保险) and OPT insurance (aka opt 保险) as well.
Consumers enrolling in UnitedHealthcare network can, for example, get good-quality eyeglasses and contacts in America (aka 美国配眼镜).
The Student Health Center on campus is merciful, allowing low-income students to waive health insurance (aka 替换保险) or make an installment payment. The copayment of prescription at the Student Health Center is also free or charges much less than other retail stores.
However, people enrolling in inferior medical insurance with small-scale insurance companies may get angry at some time, since they need to pay more, and the prescription drug they obtain from pharmacies are not good. In China, the State Council issued a circular on July 18 outlining measures to form professional drug-inspection teams, as part of efforts to strengthen drug supervision and guarantee drug safety.
According to the circular, drug inspectors will be recognized by drug authorities and authorized to conduct compliance verification and risk judgment on places where drugs are developed and produced, as well as ensure that drugs are produced in accordance with laws and regulations.
The drug teams will be established by 2020 at both national and provincial levels, the circular said, with an emphasis on high-risk drugs like vaccines.
The circular also determined the division of power and responsibilities for both teams.
Drug-inspection teams under the State Council drug regulatory department will be responsible for onsite inspections on the research and development of drugs, medical equipment, and cosmetics for special use.
These teams will also be responsible for overseas inspections and targeted inspections of drugs, medical equipment and cosmetics.